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I am sitting in a speech to text

the result of playing “I am sitting in a room” by Alvin Lucier from the say command in terminal into google’s speech to text and out again.

I am sitting in a room, different from the one you are in now, I am recording the sound of my speaking voice, and I am going to play it back into the room, again and again, until the resonant frequencies of the room re-enforce themselves so that any semblance of my speech, with perhaps the exception of rhythm, is destroyed. What you will hear then are the natural resonant frequencies of the room articulated by speech, I regard this activity, not so much as a demonstration of a physical fact but more as a way to smooth out any irregularities my speech might have.

So I don’t know who, different from the one you were right now. According to the sound of my speaking voice. And I’m going to play it back into the room, okay again until the rest of the frequencies at the room reinforce themselves of any semblance of my speech, with, perhaps exception of our destroyed washable here in our other Dash four residence frequencies up a little articulate my speech. Hypercard this activity. Lots of Watchers a demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without any regularity my speech my spouse.

So I don’t know who, different from what you were right now. According to the sound of my speaking voice and didn’t go into play it back into the room, okay again until the rest of the frequencies at the room reinforce themselves of any semblance of my speech lose perhaps exception or destroy washable here in our other Dash four residence frequencies up a little articulate my speech. Piper gorgeous activity, lots of Watchers a demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without any regularity my speech my spouse.

So I don’t know, different from what you were right now, according to the sound of my speaking voice. I don’t think I want to play it back into the room, okay it until the rest of the frequencies at the room we have forced himself seventy seven point my speech lose. Perhaps exception or destroy washable hearing either Dash four since frequencies talk a little articulate my speech. Hi per gorgeous activity, lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without any regularity my speech my spouse.

So I don so different from what you were right now, according to the sound of my speaking voice. I don’t think I want to play it back into the room, okay until the rest of the frequencies at the room we have force himself seventy seven point my speechless. Perhaps exception of destroy washable hearing either Dash four cents frequencies talk a little articulate my speech. Harper gorgeous activity. Lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without any regularity my speech my spouse.

So I I was so different from what you were right now. According to the sound of my speaking voice. I don’t think I want to play it back into the room, okay until the rest of the frequencies at the room we have forced himself seventy seven point i speechless. Perhaps exception of destroying washable here in either Dash four cents frequencies talk a little articulate my speech. Harper gorgeous activity, lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without any regularity my speech my spouse.

So I was different from what you were right now. According to the sound of my speaking voice. I don’t think I want to play it back into okay until the rest of the frequencies at the room we have force himself seventy seven point five speechless. Perhaps exception of destroyed washable hearing anything Dash four cents frequencies talk a little articulate my speech. Harper gorgeous activity. Lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without any back to Larry my speech my spouse.

So what’s different from what you were right now, according to the sound of my speaking voice. I don’t think I want to play it back into okay. Hope the rest of the frequencies at the Will we have forced himself seventy seven point five speechless. Perhaps exception of destroyed washable hearing anything Dash four cents frequencies talk a little articulate my speech. Harper gorgeous activity, lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without any back to Larry my speech my spouse.

So what’s different from what you were right now, according to the sound of my speaking voice. I don’t think I want to play it back into okay Hope the rest of the frequencies at the real we have for himself, seventy seven point five, speechless. Perhaps exception of historic washable hearing anything Dash four sets frequencies talk a little articulate my speech. Harper gorgeous activity. Lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without any back to Larry my speech my spouse.

So what’s different from what you were right now, according to the sound of my speaking voice. I don’t think I want to play it back into okay. I hope the rest of the frequencies at the real when you have for himself. seventy seven point five speechless. Perhaps exception of historic washable hearing anything Dash four sets frequencies talk a little articulate my speech. Harper gorgeous activity, lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without that you get back to Larry my speech my spouse.

So what’s different from what you were right now. According to the sound of my speaking voice. I don’t think I want to play it back into okay. I hope the rest of the frequencies. Hit me up when you have to force himself seventy seven point five speechless. Perhaps exception to the store washable hearing anything Dash four sets frequencies talking a little articulate my speech our gorgeous activity. Lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without that you get back to my resume. My speech my spouse.

So what’s different from what you were right now, according to the sound of my speaking voice. But I don’t think I want to play it back to. Okay, I hope the rest of the frequencies. Hit me up when you have to force himself seventy seven point five speechless. Perhaps exception to the store washable hearing anything Dash four sets frequencies talking a little articulate my speech our gorgeous activity, lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without that you get back to the resume. My speech my stuff.

So what’s different right now, according to the sounds of like speaking voice. But I don’t think I want to play it back to okay. I hope the rest of the frequencies. Hit me up when you have to force himself 77.5 speechless. Perhaps exception to the store washable hearing anything Dash 4 sets frequencies talking a little articulate my speech are gorgeous activity. Lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without that you get back to your resume. My speech my stuff.

So what stiffer right now. According to the sound just like speaking voice but I don’t think I want to play it back to okay I hope the rest of the frequencies. Hit me up when you have to force himself 77.5 speechless. Perhaps exception to the store washable hearing anything Dash 4 sets frequencies talking a little article in my speech our gorgeous activity, lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without that you get back to your resume. My speech my stuff.

So I watched it for right now. According to the cell. Just like speaking voice but I don’t think I want to play it back to me. Okay, I hope the rest of the frequencies. Hit me up when you have to force himself 77.5 speechless. Perhaps exception to the store washable hearing anything Dash 4 cents frequencies talking a little article in my speech our gorgeous activity. Lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without that you get back to your resume my speech my stuff.

So I watched it for right now, according to the cell. Just like speaking voice but I don’t think I want to play it back to me okay. I hope the rest of the frequencies, hit me up when you have to force himself 77.5 speechless. Perhaps exception to the store washable hearing anything Dash 4 cents frequencies talking a little article in my speech our gorgeous activity, lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without that you get back to your resume to my speech my stuff.

So I watched it for right now, according to the cell. Just like speaking voice but I don’t think I want to play it back to me. Okay, I hope the rest of the frequencies hitting up when you have to force himself 77.5 speechless. Perhaps exception to the store washable hearing anything Dash 4 cents frequencies talking a little article in my speech our gorgeous activity. Lots of Watchers demonstration of the fiscal fact that was a way to submit without that you get back to your resume to my speech my stuff.

So I watched it for right now. According to the so just let you can voice but I don’t think I walked a flight back to me okay. I hope the rest of the frequencies getting up when you have to force himself 77.5 speechless. Perhaps exception to the store washable hearing anything Dash 4 cents frequencies talking a little article as I speak our gorgeous activity, lots of letters demonstration of the fiscal fact that was Lakers it without that you get back to your resume to my speech my stuff.

So I watched it for right now, according to the said address that you can voice but I don’t think I walked a flight back to me okay. I hope the rest of the frequencies getting up with you have to force himself 77.5 speechless. Perhaps exception to the store washable hearing anything Dash 4 cents frequencies talking a little article that I speak our gorgeous activity lots of letters demonstration of the fiscal fact that was Lakers it without that you get back to your resume to my speech my stuff.

So I watched it for right now, according to the vet address that voice but I don’t think I want a flight back to me. Okay, I hope the rest of the frequencies heading up with you have to force himself 77.5 speechless. Perhaps exception to the store washable hearing anything Dash 4 cents frequencies talking a little article that I speak are gorgeous activity. Lots of matters demonstration of the fiscal fact that was Lakers it without that you get back to your resume to my speech. Bye.

So I watched it for right now, according to the address that voice but I don’t think I want to fly back to me okay. I hope the rest of the frequencies heading up with you have to force myself 7 that point speechless. Perhaps exception to the store washable hearing anything Dash 4 Frequencies talking a little article that I speak gorgeous activity, lots of voters demonstration of the fiscal fact that was Lakers it without that if you get back to your resume to my speech. Bye.